Riverscapes | Music In My Art |
Figurative Paintings, Drawings, & Sculptures |
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Figurative Paintings, Drawings, and Sculptures
A Picnic in the BluestemOil on Canvas18" × 24"
Fancy FellowInk on Paper14" × 11"
Finding a Picnic with a RoseInk on Paper10" × 14"
He In The WoodsBronze10"h × 3" × 7"
He Makes His MarkWood12"h (overall 64"h)
Let's DanceOil on Canvas48" × 60"
Morning Coffee, the three gracesGraphite/Charcoal (Tryptch)33" × 60"
Perhaps This is a Dancing FieldOil on Paper8" × 24"
She In The ThicketsInk on Paper22" × 17"
She In The WoodsBronze10"h × 6" × 3"
She PassesStainless Steel82" × 27"
She PondersSteel and Canvas112" × 36"
She Ponders DetailsSteel
The Dust & Ashes Boy, somewhat dysfunctionalSteel / Fiberglass / Hemp32"h × 12" × 16"
The LetterOil on Paper12" × 18"
The Raft of FearOil on Panel18" × 24"
The River PicnicOil on Panel36" × 24"
They Consider, AutumnOil on Canvas60" × 48"
They Consider, SummerOil on Canvas60" × 48"
UntitledOil on Panel24" × 27"
Urban OdalesqueGraphite/Charcoal on Paper14" × 28"
Vanity SteelSteel72"x × 30" × 8"
WaitingCharcoal/Graphite28" × 22"